Our Pre-School room staff are committed to meeting all the individual needs of the child whilst working towards extending the children’s capabilities. We provide a secure, caring, warm and stimulating environment in which children learn through play and discovery. In Pre-School they also base their day around the EYFS which incorporates the seven areas of learning, these being;
Communication and Language, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Literacy, Expressive Arts and Design.
Speaking and listening are the foundations for reading and writing. To ensure that these foundations are firm, we follow Letters and Sounds Phase 1 in Pre-School. This programme is followed in nearly all primary schools in Bury. Every day in Pre-School, your child will join in with a short, adult-led Letters and Sounds session. These carefully planned sessions will help your child to have fun with sounds, listen carefully, develop their vocabulary, speak confidently, tune into sounds, listen and remember sounds, understand that words are made up of different sounds. We also offer letters and sound training for parents. This ensures you can offer guidance to your child at home. Learning opportunities are not just structured, planned or written but exist in everyday situations e.g. role-play.
The Head of Pre-School will ensure that all new parents are provided with the vital information that you will need to help your child settle in and make a positive start to their pre-school years. The Head of Pre-School will give out the information that you will need to read, this will include: An emergent writing booklet, a key person booklet, a welcome pack with questionnaire, a learning through play leaflet.
In Pre-School we provide extra-curricular activities which include; swimming, mini soccer stars, music and dance. Swimming takes place on Tuesday morning at Bury Swimming Baths. We are lucky to have our own mini-bus which takes the children to and from their lessons. Mini Soccer Stars takes place on a weekly basis and provides the children with some great activities which are enjoyed by all!