Over 20 years ago, I needed to find a nursery for my own children.
I looked around every nursery in the area and Little Holcombe was the only setting that ticked all the boxes to look after my son.
Two years later I saw a job advertised at Little Holcombe – teacher required, 4 hours/week, term time only.
This sounded perfect for me having just had my second child, and wanting to keep working, but very much part time.
I was lucky enough to be offered this job - and have worked at Little Holcombe, and Tower View (since it opened in 2005) ever since. I am now the proud mum of 3 grown up children.
Over the years my hours have increased, and my role has changed beyond recognition. When EYP status was introduced, I was one of the first cohorts to achieve this and was encouraged to use this new qualification to help with staff development across our two settings, as well as continuing with my teaching in Pre-School (the best job in the world).
I work over both settings each week during term time. I offer a book project and parent partnership project for our Pre-school families to take part in, and this also works as a communication tool.
I am a valuable part of the management, and I’m lucky that colleagues have become friends! They have supported me through some very challenging times - I’m part of the most supportive and caring of teams.
I wouldn’t want to work anywhere else.
Auntie Judith
Tower View Nursery: Tel: 0161 764 5200 | Email: towerviewnursery@yahoo.co.uk | URN: EY308002
Little Holcombe Nursery: Tel: 0161 761 4575 | Email: littleholcombenursery@yahoo.co.uk | URN: 316753
Tower View Nursery:
Tel: 0161 764 5200
Email: towerviewnursery@yahoo.co.uk URN: EY308002
Little Holcombe Nursery:
Tel: 0161 761 4575
Email: littleholcombenursery@yahoo.co.uk
URN: 316753