We are also proud to have sponsored a ‘Donkey’ called Hannah at ‘The Elisabeth Svendsen Trust for Children and Donkeys’, so far we have raised over £10,000.
The Pre-school children have been to visit the donkeys and love to join in all our fundraising events.
Tower View Nursery: Tel: 0161 764 5200 | Email: towerviewnursery@yahoo.co.uk | URN: EY308002
Little Holcombe Nursery: Tel: 0161 761 4575 | Email: littleholcombenursery@yahoo.co.uk | URN: 316753
Tower View Nursery:
Tel: 0161 764 5200
Email: towerviewnursery@yahoo.co.uk URN: EY308002
Little Holcombe Nursery:
Tel: 0161 761 4575
Email: littleholcombenursery@yahoo.co.uk
URN: 316753