We thought that we would tell you a little bit about ourselves and our philosophy regarding nursery provision. We are a married couple: Stuart and Linda Butterworth and have four adopted children plus 2 grandchildren all of whom have attended nurseries when they were younger. As parents we know what we liked, didn’t like and worried about when the children were attending nursery or out of school care.
We took over Little Holcombe on the 29th June 2001. In our mission to purchase a nursery we saw many good and not so good nurseries and are confident that Little Holcombe was already very good when we bought it. We then went on to purchase Tower View Nursery in 2005. Tower View is a specially designed building on the site of Old Hall Primary School.
Having the nurseries so close together ensures we can utilise our resources effectively. We are both highly trained professionals and between us we bring over fifty years of experience in teaching and health care. We are both qualified to work with children and even more importantly, we both love children.
Stuart is a qualified teacher specialising in music and maths. He has led many successful teams. He is passionate about quality and has great skills in motivating his staff to achieve the very best in service delivery. Linda is a qualified Occupational Therapist and was the Deputy District Occupational Therapist for Bury Health Care’s Occupational Therapy department including child development. She helped in numerous playgroups and worked at Pendlebury Children’s Hospital.
Linda was awarded a bursary from the NHS in 1994 to complete a Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA) at the internationally renowned Manchester Business School. She has also previously been a director of a company and has run her own children’s party and entertainment business. Linda is obsessed with Health and Safety issues, she was the representative for Health and Safety for two day hospitals. Unlike many nursery owners who buy nurseries as a business venture and remain remote, we are both very involved with the nursery and consider it as a passion rather than an investment. The care your child gets really matters to us.
We are now lucky enough to live in a beautiful part of Scotland. We are still very much involved with the nurseries but also run a very successful Ukulele group.
Tower View Nursery: Tel: 0161 764 5200 | Email: towerviewnursery@yahoo.co.uk | URN: EY308002
Little Holcombe Nursery: Tel: 0161 761 4575 | Email: littleholcombenursery@yahoo.co.uk | URN: 316753
Tower View Nursery:
Tel: 0161 764 5200
Email: towerviewnursery@yahoo.co.uk URN: EY308002
Little Holcombe Nursery:
Tel: 0161 761 4575
Email: littleholcombenursery@yahoo.co.uk
URN: 316753