We feel that the outdoor environment provides opportunities for children to do things on a different scale than the indoors.
The outdoors provides them with a chance to explore with less restriction and more opportunities for risk taking. It also offers children first hand experiences of the various seasons and weather allowing them to use all their senses to explore these.There is equipment and resources suitable for children of all ages. We also provide nursery wet suits for all the children and outdoor personalised water bottles.Ofsted commented:
"Children display great enthusiasm for physical activity both indoors and out, squealing with excitement when asked to collect their coats. They benefit from frequent opportunities to play outdoors in the fresh air, alongside a programme of planned activities designed to challenge and support their physical development.
The use of bikes for peddling, bats and balls for throwing and catching and stepping stones to promote balance, help children to develop a good sense of control and co-ordination over their bodies."